Are you curious about which argan oil brand is best for using on your face? If so, this guide was written with you in mind. Specifically, you’re about to discover the many benefits this oil can provide to your face.
As well as the top brands to look out for. By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll be eager to get your hands on this incredible oil – so let us discover top argan oil skin care benefits and brands.

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of argan oil is the skin moisturizing properties it contains. Because it’s very high in vitamin E, it will quickly and easily soften and hydrate your skin, leaving it feeling smooth and soft to the touch. In fact, argan oil alone can often rival the moisturizing power of more expensive skin care products.
To best experience these benefits, aim to smooth the oil across your face, neck, and any other areas of your body that need some extra moisturization. Remember, you won’t need to apply much at all – a little goes a long way!

If you’re unfortunate enough to be suffering with acne, then argan oil can be a life saver. Due to the gentle, non-greasy moisturizing quality of argan oil, you will be able to comfortably rehydrate your skin and ease much of the itching and soreness that comes with acne. It may even help mild forms of acne clear up altogether.

One of the main reasons people turn to argan oil for skin treatment is because of the plumper, softer, more ‘youthful’ feel it gives to your skin. While most moisturizers will leave your skin feeling soft and supple, argan oil contains additional anti-oxidants and vitamins that ensure a younger looking skin tone, as well as restored elasticity, and a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

Due to the powerful moisturizing properties of argan oil, it can sometimes be considered a valid treatment for certain dry skin conditions such as eczema. Just a few drops will quickly take away the itchiness and irritation, and allow the skin to gradually heal over time.
If you want to use this as a treatment for eczema, then it’s best to apply it several times a day, for however long is required to see noticeable results. You’ll often see excellent progress within just a few days, in most cases.

Another key reason to use argan oil is for the hair conditioning power it provides. If you’re suffering with split ends, or frizzy, unmanageable hair – then using argan oil can quickly remedy this problem for you.
It’s no coincidence that many popular hair conditioning products currently on the market rely on the argan oil contained within the formula, but you can get hair better results by using the raw product itself.
If you’re planning to use argan oil on your face, then it’s important to consider which brand you’re going to use. While most argan oil brands are quite similar, there are often different formulations that make them more effective for different uses – so it’s important to use a specialized ‘face’ oil rather than ‘hair’ oil – if you’re looking specifically for a skin treatment.
Some of the top argan oil brands to look out for include:
The last two can be a little more complicated to use as they come in ‘tincture’ form, but a few drops is all it takes to fully cover your face – so even though these high quality brands can be a little costly, they will easily last you for a very long time to come. Overall, this makes it a very economical skin care product, especially compared to some of the pricier skin care creams on the market.

Overall, and after having a better idea about top argan oil skin care benefits and top brands, the fact of using argan oil on your face is an effective, affordable, and long-lasting solution for top-notch skin care. If you don’t want to waste your money on overpriced moisturizers and ‘anti-aging’ products, then perhaps argan oil is the product you’ve been waiting for.
If you choose to use argan oil skin care exclusively, then you’re certainly not alone. The growing popularity of this oil is a testament to how effective it is considered by many who rely on it every day.
Being yourself in this world means getting up each morning and confidently being the best person you can be today. Instead of trying to fit in with the world, fit in with yourself, look into the mirror of your soul and know that you are the best person you can be today, feel grateful for the blessings in your life, let love guide you, then do that today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter.
We all have a mission in life that gives us passion to help, guide and enjoy things in life that bring us and others great joy. My passions include nature and animals and helping spread the word so others can enjoy them too.
I love to empower people physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially to find the light and love within themselves to appreciate their own true value so they can spread that love and hope to others who can find their own freedom, abundance and joy in their lives.