People are touting argan oil so much that it is even now showing up in numerous skin and hair care products from various trusted retailers.
As people learn more and more about this oil, they are realizing exactly what it can do for a person’s hair and skin. When looking to purchase argan oil though, you need to realize that this is an all-natural substance.
To have all the benefits, you should be purchasing in its purest virgin form. While this can be more expensive, it is what will actually provide to you the effects you hear about people saying concerning argan oil.
1- PURA D’OR |

While it’s great for dry skin, did you know that argan oil for oily skin can also work wonders as well? If you’ve already tried it for your hair, then you’re probably less reluctant to hear the answer that is about to be provided.
However, if you haven’t, you’re probably thinking oh yeah, yet another product that someone has developed that is supposed to do aging oily skin some justice. People often skip from one product to the other trying to find some miracle solution.
The fact of the matter is, the first rule of thumb you have to take into account is that you should look no further than all-natural products no matter what you try.
With argan oil being described as “liquid gold,” perhaps it now gets your attention. And, it’s not just some new product that has hit the market.

It’s actually been used for centuries in other countries, and it is cultivated from within nuts that are found inside fruits growing on argan trees. These argan trees are in Morocco, and the world has caught on to the benefits of this pure argan oil.
So what can it do for your oily skin? Rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids, this product is believed to not only promote healthy skin but also help people with skin conditions, such as psoriasis and acne.
It also has anti-aging and skin cell restorative benefits. And, you can be rest assured this isn’t some cheaply made product that is being thrown onto the shelves. As was mentioned, the trees mostly grow only in Morocco, and this oil is actually very difficult to produce.
If it were a product that didn’t work, then why would anyone be taking the time to produce it in the first place? Instead, the demand is high, and it is being produced as much as possible.

This is an oil, so maybe it will make my skin more oily?! Absolutely not, one of the most loved specifications of argan oil, is that this oil easily absorbs into the skin, so you don’t have to be worried about that greasy look of your face, you can use argan oil for oily skin and be 100% certain that it will be absorbed.
Actually, If you already used that oil for your hair, you will see the same results, didn’t you?
No doubt you will notice the effects instantly when you apply it to your oily skin just as you would your hair. It can transform dull skin, especially during those dry winters, and it can also help even out your skin tone. It has so many nourishing properties that its revitalizing nature cannot be ignored.
and it is also very beneficial to one’s nails. The Moroccan people have for a long time now actually made argan oil a part of their diet as well, adding it to dishes they eat.
This is another way to experience the many healthy benefits it can provide to the body.

What’s also great about argan oil is that it is perfect for any type of skin. It has already been mentioned that it can be used to help people with certain skin conditions.
People with different skin types and conditions are often having to select different products based on their individual circumstances. This isn’t the case when it comes to trying out argan oil. It’s all natural nutrients will prove beneficial to anyone who gives it a try.

Many celebrities are bursting onto the scene touting this special oil as well. And, another great thing about an all-natural oil vs using a cream is that the oils require much less stabilization on the skin and therefore often have less artificial ingredients.
In argan oil’s case, it has absolutely zero artificial ingredients.
As with anything good, people are throwing argan oil into just about everything that has to do with skin care and hair care, so just remember that you want virgin argan oil.
While you have to splurge a bit to take part, it’s going to be worth your while.
1- PURA D’OR |
Being yourself in this world means getting up each morning and confidently being the best person you can be today. Instead of trying to fit in with the world, fit in with yourself, look into the mirror of your soul and know that you are the best person you can be today, feel grateful for the blessings in your life, let love guide you, then do that today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter.
We all have a mission in life that gives us passion to help, guide and enjoy things in life that bring us and others great joy. My passions include nature and animals and helping spread the word so others can enjoy them too.
I love to empower people physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially to find the light and love within themselves to appreciate their own true value so they can spread that love and hope to others who can find their own freedom, abundance and joy in their lives.